All Categories > Inventory management > Manage inventory
To manage product, navigate to the top menu Inventory > Products. Here you'll find a list of all your products, sorted as Active and Inactive. On the top right of the page you find a New product butt…
Updated 2 years ago by Thomas
To create products in bulk (with a xlsx file) you can navigate to Inventory > Products in the top menu bar. Once you are on the products page, you can navigate to the drop down arrow next to the New…
Once the product is added, the product will start appearing on the product listing page. The product list displays the product title, brand, category, and quantity in stock of variants. On clicking t…
One can delete or deactivate the product by selecting the respective action from the product details page Offer in storefront. On clicking the offer in the storefront option, one can specify the stor…
On the product listing page, there is an option to import or export products in bulk. Export in bulk. On clicking the export in bulk option, one gets the opportunity to export all the products in.csv…
You can easily update inventory items in bulk by navigating in the top bar menu to Inventory and on the top right you'll click the Import in bulk link in the dropdown menu. Next click the Update in b…
Updated 1 year ago by Thomas
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