In this article, we will integrate a seller account in Stockpilot. To create a new integration, we first have to navigate to Channels in the top navigation bar. Next a popup will appear and i…
After you connected a new sales channel it is important to connect your listings to your Stockpilot inventory. In some cases you already added the inventory and in that case you can use the bulk conn…
You can integrate many shipping carriers and create their labels in the sales order shipping flow. To integrate a new shipping carrier, follow the steps below. Navigate to the right menu and click on…
Get started the right way! A guide on how to install the parts for Stockpilot
3 articles by 1 author
Everything you need to know on managing your inventory. From creating to connecting listings.
17 articles by 1 author
In this section you will manage purchase orders and suppliers.
2 articles by 1 author
This section gives you opportunity to manage orders
4 articles by 1 author
This section shows you how to retrieve different data reports
This section gives you opportunity to manage channels
6 articles by 1 author
Everything you need to know about setting up your B2B Portal
In this section you'll learn the ins and outs on how to integrate your warehouse
This section shows you how to integrate your shipping carriers into Stockpilot
In this section you'll find answers to questions that we hear often.
1 article by 1 author
Everything you need to know about managing your addons.
Enhance your email strategy: automate and personalize email marketing.
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